
National Infrastructure Systems Model setup, configuration and tests

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Energy Demand (unconstrained/optimised)

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These details are for the “unconstrained/optimised” model configuration, which models heating technology use in the supply model.


description name unit dims dtype
Floor area, residential and commercial floor_area meter**2 [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘residential_or_non’] float
Minimum daily temperature t_min Degree Celcius [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘yearday’] float
Maximum daily temperature t_max Degree Celcius [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘yearday’] float
Population population people [‘lad_uk_2016’] float
Regional Gross Value Added per capita gva_per_head GBP [‘lad_uk_2016’] float
Regional Gross Value Added, by sector gva_per_sector GBP [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘sectors’] float


description name unit dims dtype
Dwelling stock type or read in floor area directly virtual_dw_stock   nan bool
Mode of model mode   nan int
Service switches switches_service   [‘enduses_service_switch’, ‘tech’, ‘end_yr’, ‘sector’] float
Generic fuel switch generic_fuel_switch   [‘generic_switch_number’, ‘enduses’, ‘end_yr’, ‘param_generic_fuel_switch’] float
Share in cold rolling in steel manufacturing p_cold_rolling_steel decimal [‘end_yr’, ‘interpolation_params’] float
Recovered heat heat_recovered decimal [‘end_yr’, ‘interpolation_params’, ‘enduses’] float
Share of cooled service floor area cooled_floorarea decimal [‘end_yr’, ‘interpolation_params’, ‘enduses’] float
Change in floor area per person assump_diff_floorarea_pp decimal [‘end_yr’, ‘interpolation_params’] float
Air leakage caused reducing in demand air_leakage decimal [‘enduses’, ‘end_yr’, ‘interpolation_params’] float
Efficiency achievement level f_eff_achieved decimal [‘end_yr’, ‘interpolation_params’] float
Smart meter penetration smart_meter_p decimal [‘end_yr’, ‘interpolation_params’] float
Residential base temperature rs_t_base_heating   [‘interpolation_params’, ‘end_yr’] float
Service base temperature ss_t_base_heating   [‘interpolation_params’, ‘end_yr’] float
Industrial base temperature is_t_base_heating   [‘interpolation_params’, ‘end_yr’] float
Demand side management improvemnt dm_improvement   [‘enduses’, ‘interpolation_params’, ‘end_yr’] float
Spatial explicit diffusion or not spatial_explicit_diffusion integer nan float
Spatial diffusion speed speed_con_max   nan float
Heat pump fractions gshp_fraction decimal [‘interpolation_params’, ‘end_yr’] float
Heat pump fractions gshp_fraction decimal nan float
Overall change in energy demand per enduse generic_enduse_change % [‘enduses’, ‘interpolation_params’, ‘end_yr’] float


description name unit dims dtype
Residential solid fuel demand residential_solid_fuel GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Residential gas demand residential_gas GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Residential electricity demand residential_electricity GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Residential oil demand residential_oil GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Residential biomass demand residential_biomass GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Residential hydrogen demand residential_hydrogen GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Residential heat demand residential_heat GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Commercial solid fuel demand service_solid_fuel GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Commercial gas demand service_gas GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Commercial electricity demand service_electricity GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Commercial oil demand service_oil GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Commercial biomass demand service_biomass GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Commercial hydrogen demand service_hydrogen GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Commercial heat demand service_heat GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Industrial solid fuel demand industry_solid_fuel GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Industrial gas demand industry_gas GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Industrial electricity demand industry_electricity GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Industrial oil demand industry_oil GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Industrial biomass demand industry_biomass GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Industrial hydrogen demand industry_hydrogen GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float
Industrial heat demand industry_heat GW [‘lad_uk_2016’, ‘hourly’] float