
National Infrastructure Systems Model setup, configuration and tests

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Transport (rail)

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Transport rail model for Great Britain.


description name unit dims dtype
Population population people [‘lad_gb_2016’] float
Regional Gross Value Added (rGVA) gva GBP [‘lad_gb_2016’] float
Station usage (day) day_usage people [‘NLC_gb’] float
Station usage (year) year_usage people [‘NLC_gb’] int
Fares rail_journey_fares £ [‘NLC_gb’] float
Journey times rail_journey_times h [‘NLC_gb’] float
Car journey costs car_zonal_journey_costs £ [‘lad_gb_2016’] float
Rail trip rates rail_trip_rates nan nan float


description name unit dims dtype
Population elasticity for passenger demand elasticities   [‘variables’, ‘area’] float
Whether to use output of road model for car costs use_car_cost_from_road_model   nan bool
Wether to predict all years between base year and predicted year predict_intermediate_rail_years   nan bool
Station usage numbers for the base year base_year_year_demand   [‘NLC_gb’] int
Station usage numbers for the base year base_year_day_demand   [‘NLC_gb’] float


description name unit dims dtype
Station usage (year) year_stations_usage people [‘NLC_gb’] int
Station usage (day) day_stations_usage people [‘NLC_gb’] float
Total zonal rail demand (year) total_year_zonal_rail_demand people [‘lad_gb_2016’] float
Average zonal rail demand (year) avg_year_zonal_rail_demand people [‘lad_gb_2016’] float
Total zonal rail demand (day) total_day_zonal_rail_demand people [‘lad_gb_2016’] float
Average zonal rail demand (day) avg_day_zonal_rail_demand people [‘lad_gb_2016’] float