Raster ingestion CL tool¶
rastapar -h
usage: Rast Converter [-h] [–out_path [OUT_PATH]] [–out_crs [OUT_CRS]] [–include_negative [INCLUDE_NEGATIVE]] [–workers [WORKERS]] [in_path]
Convert rasters to parquet files efficiently
positional arguments:
in_path; A path to a raster for processing.
-h, –help; show this help message and exit
–out_path [OUT_PATH], -o_p [OUT_PATH]; A folder to save into. Will be created or overwriten on execution. Default: rast_convert_result
–out_crs [OUT_CRS], -o_c [OUT_CRS]; A folder to save into. Will be created or overwriten on execution. Default: epsg:4326
–include_negative [INCLUDE_NEGATIVE], -i_n [INCLUDE_NEGATIVE]; Whether the data to process includes relevant negative or 0 values. Can have a significant impact on running time and output size.
–workers [WORKERS], -w [WORKERS]; The number of workers to run in parallel.