Linux / Mac

The major installation steps are to:

  1. Download open-gira
  2. Set up a Python environment
  3. Install additional command-line tools

Clone repository

Install open-gira by cloning the repository:

git clone

Software environment

This repository comes with a environment.yml file describing almost all of the software dependencies required to run open-gira.

There are several ways to manage Python versions and install libraries.

  • conda lets you install different versions of Python and Python libraries and other dependencies.
  • micrombamba a replacement for conda, and what the open-gira developers use.

The recommended approach for open-gira is to install micromamba then use it to create and manage environments.


To install the required dependencies on a local machine, create the open-gira conda environment:

micromamba create -f environment.yml -y

Then activate it:

micromamba activate open-gira

You're now ready to configure workflows and request outputs.


If installing on a cluster, you can work as above, or, create a seperate orchestrating environment containing only snakemake, e.g.

micromamba create -n snakemake python=3.9 snakemake

In this context, snakemake itself can manage the other required dependencies, creating other environments as necessary. To activate the orchestration environment:

micromamba activate snakemake

To run the workflow on a cluster you will need to provide a profile, requesting targets as follows:

snakemake --profile <path_to_cluster_config> -- <target_file>

Other command-line tools

The following tools are not available through conda and must be installed separately.


exactextract is used for zonal statistics. Please see installation instructions here.